10 Ways To Cope With Depression

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If you’re struggling with symptoms of depression, there are many different strategies that can help promote positive thinking and alleviate stress. While seeing a therapist is always an option, the same types of treatment and management strategies do not work for everyone. Below are 10 things that you can try to help cope with symptoms of depression. 

  1. Make a lifestyle change

    Did you know that your lifestyle choices can affect your mood? Making small lifestyle changes can help you manage your mood and treatment beyond medications. Think about what small change you can make to make a big impact. Start with baby steps!

  2. Keep a journal

    Expressing yourself through writing is a healthy way to let go of thoughts and feelings that may be troubling you, and keeping a daily or weekly journal is a great tactic to manage stress. Even writing for only a few minutes a day can completely change your mood!

  3. Find ways to boost your self image

    One of the most common effects of depression is low self esteem, so being able to feel better about yourself is a key part of a treatment plan. Practicing positive thinking, focusing on your best qualities, and spending time with friends can help boost your self image and get you on the way to feeling your self.

  4. Stay involved

    Those struggling with depression often feel like they want to withdraw from social situations, but social connections can actually prevent downspirals and further isolation. Try to push yourself to stay involved with friends if you can.

  5. Keep a schedule

    Keeping a routine is a helpful coping mechanism for depression as it helps keep motivation at a steady level. Even just scheduling one small activity to do every day can make a huge difference in productivity and self esteem.

  6. Get some sleep

    Sleep is one of the most underrated coping mechanisms for depression, as rest is essential to a good mood. Try to go to bed and wake up on a regular schedule for maximum benefit.

  7. Ask for help

    Friends and family can do wonders to bring you up when you are feeling down. Don’t be afraid to ask your loved ones for help - they love you and will most likely have no problem being there when you need them!

  8. Eat foods that make your brain and body happy

    A good diet and nutrition regime can help you feel healthy, give you energy, and even change the chemical composition of your brain. Adding elements such as Omega-3 fatty acids to your diet can help keep your brain healthy and reduce the symptoms of depression.

  9. Get some exercise

    Exercise brings many psychological benefits that can be essential to those struggling with depression. Not only does it help you sleep better, but exercise elevates your mood and gives you a sense of accomplishment which can make a huge difference to your day.

  10. Work with a therapist

    For most people, seeing a therapist plays an important part in overcoming their depression symptoms. A therapist will be able to provide you with techniques and strategies to help you with the 9 other suggestions above!

If you need help developing a plan for dealing with your symptoms of depression, our experts are always ready to talk. Contact our counsellors in Victoria BC to set up your first session.