Psychedelic Cannabis Therapy in Victoria, BC


What is OUR Cannabis therapy?

Our Cannabis Therapy approach is based on the idea of conscious, intentional therapeutic cannabis use as developed by Medicinal Mindfulness in Colorado. This means cannabis consumption in a therapeutic setting with the intention to open & turn inward. Contrasted with recreational cannabis use which may numb or distract, conscious cannabis practices can enhance awareness & deepen emotional experiences, allowing one to work with underlying unprocessed emotions, thoughts & behaviours which impede their well-being. Cannabis therapy has the potential to treat clinical disorders, physical injuries and illness, especially when combined with somatic awareness, mindfulness practices & trauma-informed psychotherapy interventions (McQueen, 2021, p.30).

Cannabis & Breathwork

Activating breathwork can induce a non-ordinary state experience (similar to some psychedelic experiences) which allows access to the subconscious mind, where one may have physical & emotional releases conducive to post-traumatic coping (Brewerton et al., 2012; Chopko, 2016). Breathwork has been shown to activate the autonomic nervous system, which allows traumatic memories to surface so they may be acknowledged & spontaneously resolved (de Wit & Moraes Cruz, 2021; Kim et al., 2013). The combination of cannabis and activating breathwork can mimic a psychedelic experience & lead to profound healing experiences (McQueen, 2021).

Psychedelic healing experiences may result in a sense of connectedness, mystical experiences, emotional breakthroughs, and ego dissolution (Earleywine et al., 2022; McQueen, 2021). Agency & continual consent are key factors in trauma resolution (McQueen, 2021). Cannabis experiences allow individuals to maintain control over their experience, choosing the pace & intensity by manipulating their breath, physical positioning, or removing their eye covering (McQueen, 2021). 

For more information about our Individual & Group Cannabis Therapy in Victoria, BC please contact us:


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