Synchronicities, Heart Opening & the Wisdom of Michael Singer

Over a decade ago I encountered a book that transformed my personal and professional life - Michael Singer's "The Untethered Soul" (& later the sequel “Living Untethered”). This profound work opened my eyes to the concept of heart opening, which paved the way toward a more mindful and compassionate existence with less anxiety/depression and more meaningful, deep relationships. Since I first discovered his work, I have often revisited Singer’s teachings, and recently, when life presented some new challenges, I paid him another visit.

Today, October 23rd, 2023, a series of synchronicities unfolded that left me in awe and clearly re-affirmed to me the importance of Singer’s teachings in my life. These synchronicities seem to echo the insights of psychologist Carl Jung around the interplay of the collective unconscious and personal experiences in our lives. Based on all of this, I feel compelled to write and share about what this means to me, so here we go:

Synchronicity #1: Journey to the Heart

The first synchronicity occurred when I opened Melody Beattie's "Journey to the Heart - Daily Meditations on the Path to Freeing Your Soul" (as I do most days) and turned to the entry for October 23rd. The content of this passage was so closely related to the theme of heart opening that I had to laugh:

“Cherish You….Embrace joy. Relish it. Even if those around you don’t have it right now, you can feel your joy. You don’t have to be disrespectful of their feelings, nor do you have to let their lack of joy diminish yours.

You have done your work. You have chosen to open your heart.”

Synchronicity #2: The Book of Awakening

Next, I picked up Mark Nepo's "The Book of Awakening" (as I do most days) and read the entry for October 23rd. The passage resonated deeply, offering wisdom that felt like a direct message from the universe, reaffirming the importance of heart opening, letting go and trusting the process of life and existence.

Synchronicity #3: The Angry Therapist Podcast

The synchronicities didn't end with the books. Later today, while at the gym on a break between clients, I decided to listen to a podcast, and randomly selected "The Angry Therapist” (which I have never listened to before). To my amazement, the podcast for October 23rd was also centered around the exact topic I had been exploring - heart opening and the wisdom of Michael Singer. “How to Unblock Our Energy (Heart Opening as a Practice)” I laughed out loud on the treadmill. This unexpected alignment further emphasized to me the message that seems to be being broadcast to me: Keep Your Heart Open!

The Carl Jung Connection

Carl Jung introduced the concept of synchronicity. He believed that events in the external world could be connected to our internal experiences and that such meaningful coincidences were not mere accidents but rather a manifestation of the collective unconscious.

Today’s synchronicities were like a dance between my inner world and the external events, echoing Jung's concept of meaningful coincidences. The universe seemed to conspire to emphasize the importance of heart opening and the teachings of Michael Singer in my life.

As I continue on this profound journey of heart opening, I am grateful for the wisdom of Michael Singer and the mystical tapestry of synchronicities woven into my life. These experiences serve as evidence to me of the boundless wisdom of the universe, guiding us along our chosen path and affirming the importance of living with an open heart.

Carla Mae Leuschen, MSW, RSW